Understanding Payroll Report

Learn how to approve Cleaners time in the Payroll Report and the types of reports you can download.

Who can create a Payroll Report?

Managers and Supervisors


  1. Log in to the Web App.
  2. Go to "Reports" in the left-hand menu and select "Payroll Reports".
  3. From the top of the Payroll page, use filters to narrow down your search. Once set, click on the “APPLY FILTERS” button to pull up your information.
  4. Click on the “Sort by” dropdown to sort by Date, Cleaner, Location or Approval. 

What information is displayed for a shift? 

  1. Total Scheduled Time: Displays the shift as scheduled by a Manager or Supervisor.
  2. Total Onsite Time: Full duration from clock in until clock out, including Break and Lunch.
  3. Work: Displays a work duration clock in/out with GPS status
  4. Break (Unpaid) or (Paid): Displays the Break duration with GPS status. 
  5. Lunch (Unpaid) or (Paid): Displays the Lunch duration with GPS status. 
  6. Total Work Time: Tally of all work durations minus the Breaks and Lunch. This duration is editable from the Payroll Report.
  7. Total Lunch Time (Unpaid) or (Paid): Tally of all Lunch durations only. This duration is editable from the Payroll Report.
  8. Total Break Time (Unpaid) or (Paid): Tally of all Break durations only. This duration is editable from the Payroll Report.
  9. Total Paid Time: Tally of all Paid Time. This duration is editable from the Payroll Report.
  10. Travel Time: This will be displayed when set up from the Settings of your account. 


  1. The Break/Lunch line items are only visible for entries in which the Location has the break status enabled. If the Status for a break is off, the line item won’t appear for those entries.
  2. Time entries round down to the minute on each time entry line. For example, if a Cleaner clocked out at 2mins and 45 seconds it will show as 2mins. The same rule applies to all time entries across your account. 
  3. IVR/SMS Time Entry feature will not allow for taking Breaks.
  4. Travel Time is never tallied to the Total Work or Paid time and synced to Quickbooks as a separate entry.

Scheduled Time VS Recorded Time

Scheduled Time

Use the scheduled time when you pay your staff for the time they were scheduled for. This is often referred to as piece-rate pay, piece work or fixed rate. For example: The night shift was from 9:00 pm-1:00 am (4 hours) but the staff completed the work from 9:30 pm-12:30 am (3 hours), thus resulting in an approved time of 4 hours. 

Recorded Time

Use reported time when you pay your staff for the time they worked. For example: The night shift was from 9:00 pm-1:00 am (4 hours) but the staff completed the work from 9:30 pm-12:30 am (3 hours), thus resulting in an approved time of 3 hours

How to Download the Payroll Report?

Requirements: Shifts need to be approved to be listed on the Downloaded document. You can approve an individual shift or all shifts in bulk: 

  1. From the top of the Payroll page use filters to narrow down your search. Once set click on the “APPLY FILTERS” button to pull up your information.
    1. You are able to Approve or Un-approve shifts individually by selecting the checkbox for a specific shift or all shifts in bulk by selecting the checkbox next to the button "APPROVAL". Click on the “Sort by” dropdown to sort by Date, Cleaner, Location or Approval. 

3. On the upper right corner, click on the “DOWNLOAD” button. 

4. Choose how you would like the information to be downloaded: CSV or PDF format.

When choosing to download a report, you have the option to include or exclude break timestamps in the CSV report for each shift. If you choose to include them, the report will display timestamps for any breaks taken during that specific shift.

Identifying Payroll Errors?

Errors occur when you are approving payroll with a shift that exceeds 24 hours.
This error is returned to advise you there is a shift on your payroll report exceeding 24 hours.  This is an indication a Cleaner may have forgotten to clock out of a shift.


The shift that exceeds 24 hours on the report must be updated prior to approving the shift for payroll. Clock in/out times can be adjusted using Swept's "Cleaning Report". From the Cleaning Report, you can identify the shifts that need to be modified.

You can do this by following the instructions below:

  1. In the Swept Web App, navigate to the left-hand menu and click on "Reports," then choose "Time Entry Report".

  2. Search the date range of your payroll by selecting the calendar and entering the dates. 

  3. You can sort the results by shortest to longest by clicking the arrow in the "logged" column. 

  4. On the line of the shift you would like to edit click to open up the details for editing.

  5. Adjust the shift by updating the arrival and departure date/time as needed. Under "Problem Reported" you can add additional information if you choose. If you update information here it will override the previous information.

  6. Click "Save" to update the shift.

  7. Repeat if additional shifts are longer than 24 hours or need to be adjusted.

You can approve multiple shifts or a single shift as needed.


If you have any questions, contact our technical support team in our chat or email us at support@sweptworks.com.