Learn how to import bulk team members and add them to Swept.
How to prepare your data?
Download the import file for the team on the Teams page. Only Admin Managers will have access.
- Save the file as a .CSV file after it has been downloaded. For instructions on how to save as a .CSV in Excel and Google Sheets.
- Do NOT edit or remove any cells in this file except the row with the sample data. All data in the header columns must not be edited.
- Columns with an * are mandatory. If you attempt to import the file without these fields completed, the file import will generate an error "mandatory information missing.".
Security PIN must be 4 digits and numbers only.
Phone numbers must include the + before the country code.
⚠️ To add a phone number with the + symbol you must include an apostrophe before the + for formatting purposes. All phone numbers must be entered in this format: '+15555555555.
How to Import the data?
Go to the Team section on the navigation and click Bulk Import Cleaners at the top right.
Scroll to the "Import Cleaners" section at the bottom of the page in Swept and click on here where it says "Click here to select a file.".
Browse your computer for your file and select Open.
Click Begin Import to start the import.
If your file has no formatting issues, you will see a confirmation message to confirm the import. If there were issues, you will see the errors appear. Please note if all mandatory fields are not filled out, you will only see the mandatory fields error. If you import a file with all mandatory fields filled out but other issues, then additional errors will appear.
If you have any questions, contact our technical support team in our chat or email us at support@sweptworks.com.